Wednesday, 23 March 2011 @ 13:47

Fat-Loss Circuit Training - Now is the time to try this revolutionary fat-burning, metabolism-boosting training technique!

Want to burn off that holiday weight gain as quickly as humanly possible? Fat-Loss Circuit Training is the BEST place to start.

Fat-Loss Circuit Training is a program of my own invention. I developed it for losing fat quickly. It's challenging but very effective!

Fat-Loss Circuit Training is very simple once you get the hang of it, but it can be one of the most demanding (and most extraordinarily effective) styles of training you can do.

If you're familiar with normal circuit training (with timed, light-weight intervals), please put aside any notions you might have of how this program works. You will not only be harnessing the muscle-building and metabolism-stimulating power of intense, full-set weight training (NOT the typical light-weight, timed intervals of normal circuit training), you will also be incorporating the great calorie-burning effects of cardiovascular training.
The proper combination of the two styles (weights and cardio) into one workout is, quite simply, phenomenal for fat burning.

In order to use Fat-Loss Circuit Training, you will need access to both weight equipment and cardio equipment (and/or benches or stairs), preferably located in fairly close proximity to each other.
This type of training is harder to do in a crowded gym as it will involve you moving back and forth quickly between different pieces of equipment. If someone is waiting to use your cardio machine the moment you step off, it will defeat the purpose of the workout. This technique is best used in a fairly uncrowded gym where you have more freedom to use equipment or, better yet, in a home gym with weights and cardio equipment and no one waiting for anything!

If you do work out in a crowded gym, I will tell you exactly how to get around it.

How The Training Works:
- Essentially, this is combined circuit/interval training.
- You will be going back and forth between your weight training exercises and one cardio exercise for the duration of the workout.
- Your rest period for weights will be your cardio and your rest period for cardio will be your weights.
- You will be doing some sort of activity for your entire workout without any break!
This combination is very effective for a number of reasons:
- It forces your body to burn calories continuously during the workout.
- It utilizes resistance training and cardio training so you get all the benefits of both in one workout.
- By forcing your body to work like this, you dramatically increase your metabolism leading to increased fat burning long after the workout (more so than either weights or cardio alone).
- It saves time - you get both your weights and cardio in the same amount of time as your regular workout.
- You will still be able to use heavy weights in your weight training, helping to preserve muscle mass.

How To Do It:

Step 1 - Set Up
For the most efficient workout possible, try to have most or all of your exercises pre-set and ready to go. The less time you spend on preparation during your workout itself, the more effective that workout will be, especially since you want to be continually active throughout the workout. You can use any type of cardio that is convenient and enjoyable to you, be it a machine, stair stepping, or even a skipping rope.
If you are working out in a crowded gym, try to claim an area for yourself and focus on dumbell exercises. You won't have to wait in line to use any weight machines that way.
If you don't have access to convenient cardio machines, you're going to have to go low-tech. You'll need to do stair-stepping (stepping up two stairs then back down works well), bench-stepping (step up onto a flat bench or Step platform then back down) or rope-jumping (be sure you're not close to anyone if you choose this). These approaches work just as well as cardio machines and allow you to perform this training style in a busier setting.

Step 2 - Warm-up

Do a few minutes of low-intensity cardio as a warm-up. You may wish to do a few light sets of a few of the exercises you'll be working with before you start into it though. Don't tire yourself out, just get a light sweat going.

Step 3 - Start with 30 - 40 seconds of moderate intensity cardio.

This could be setting a stair machine to a level that is not easy but is not so challenging that you're going to exhaust yourself right away. Watch the timer on your machine and go for approximately 40 seconds (I say approximately because there will generally be a slight lag time when you step on and off).
Many cardio machines have a "rest period" feature where you can leave the machine on and it will not erase your program while you have stepped off. Normally, this is about 2 minutes. This should be enough time to complete your weight set.
If you are using a machine such as a treadmill or stair machine that you will leave on with the timer running, just watch the time counter on the machine and keep track of when you get on it to get the designated period. It may require a little mental math! You can also use your own stopwatch or timer on your watch to keep track (this is easier). Start the timer when you start the cardio.
Many machines also have a feature that runs through a series of time periods. I've found on the StairMaster, if you set the length of the session to 20 minutes, this results in a 40 second time period making it perfect for judging your cardio periods.

Step 4 - Do a set of weights.

Go as quickly as you can to your first exercise. Do a set of the first exercise on your program for the day. Do this with no rest, going from the cardio immediately to the weights. Do all your reps until you start to approach muscular failure.
While this is definitely still intense weight training, don't push yourself to muscular failure as you would in your regular training. Due to the high training volume we'll be doing in this program, pushing to failure on every set will compromise muscle recovery.
Also, be very sure to use proper form and tempo when lifting the weights. Don't rush your weight sets - perform them with the same form and speed as you would if you were doing a regular set in your training. Fast, light or sloppy weight sets are NOT what we're looking for here.

Step 5 - Go right back to the cardio.

Get back to the cardio and do another 40 seconds of moderate-intensity cardio.

Step 6 - Repeat the cycle for the duration of the workout.

You will be going back and forth continuously between cardio and your weight training exercises, using the cardio as the rest period between your weight sets. What this means is that over the course of your workout, you'll be burning calories via cardio and weights AND you'll be working your muscles with intense, heavy weight training as well. It's tough training but very effective!


- As you improve your cardio ability, you can choose to increase the intensity of your cardio training between sets. You may wish to start at a lower level and gradually increase the resistance over the course of the workout or start at a higher level and keep it there. It is perfectly acceptable to keep it at a steady, moderate level, however.
- This Fat-Loss Circuit technique can be used with nearly any form of cardio exercise as long as it is convenient to go back and forth with the weights. The real key here is to maintain activity for the entire workout.
- Keep your workouts to no more than 45 minutes at the very most when doing this type of training. Any more than that and you will be breaking yourself down too much. It's an extremely demanding form of training as you'll be working every major energy system in your body. You will also find it will crank your metabolism up pretty seriously!

Seven Quick Tips To Speed Up Your Metabolism and Burn Fat Faster

Your metabolism or metabolic rate can determine exactly how quickly you gain or lose fat. Here are some quick tips you can put to use immediately to help crank up your metabolism and increase your fat burning.

1. Eat Breakfast
It's no myth that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If you skip breakfast thinking you are saving calories or time, consider this...
Your body has been in a fasting state for 8 hours or more. When you wake up and don't give it any food, its natural reaction is self-defense. It thinks "famine" and automatically slows your metabolism to a crawl to conserve calories. Not only does everything you eat for the rest of the day have a far greater chance of being stored as fat, your chances of burning any fat off that day are low.
And here's the whammy... you're going to get really hungry later and will probably want to eat something that's not so good for you. With your now-slower metabolism (because you skipped breakfast), you're going to store a lot more of that "not-so-great" meal than usual.

2. Eat Frequently

Besides skipping breakfast, the next biggest metabolism-killer is long waits between meals. Every time you eat something, your metabolism ramps up to process the food. The more frequently you eat, the more frequently your metabolism will get a boost.
The real key, however, is to be sure you're eating smaller meals (eating 5 big meals instead of 3 big meals isn't good for losing fat!). Try to eat 5 or more times per day, even if it's just healthy snacks between meals.

3. Exercise With Intensity

Your metabolic rate is directly related to the intensity of the exercise you perform. Walking will burn calories while you're doing it and give your metabolism a small boost for a little while after but it doesn't compare to high-intensity interval training. That type of training can boost your metabolism for a full 24 hours or more after.
Even if you can't handle high-intensity training, you can always find ways to make the easier exercises such as walking more intense, e.g. walk faster, walk up hills, wear a weighted back-pack, etc.

4. Train With Weights

Weight training builds muscle and muscle is a huge factor in determining your metabolic rate. Muscle tissue is very metabolically active. Your body burns a lot of calories just to maintain it.
Weight training gives your metabolism a triple-shot. Not only do you burn calories during the exercise, you also increase your metabolic rate long after the exercise (provided the training you are doing is intense). Add to that the extra muscle you build from the training and you can see how effective weights can be for boosting your metabolism.

5. Eat More Protein

Of the three major macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates and fats), protein requires the most energy to digest. Protein is also less likely to be stored as fat because of this. Protein will also help you to build up your muscle.
I don't recommend that you overload on protein, however, focusing on getting plenty of good-quality protein from a variety of sources (e.g. lean meats, chicken, fish, eggs, soy, etc.) can help keep your metabolic rate high.

6. Take Your Vitamins

Your metabolic rate basically boils down to chemical reactions in your body. Vitamins and minerals (and water) are important parts of these chemical reactions. If you don't have enough of these components available for your body to use when it needs them, your body will have to limit itself to what you've got.
Think of your metabolism as a car assembly line. You can't build a complete car until you have all the parts available. If, for example, you only have enough doors available to build 100 cars but you have 200 doorless cars on the line, you're missing out on a lot of potential production.
By taking a multivitamin on a regular basis, you will not only support your metabolism but your health as well.

7. Reduce Your Fat Intake

Fatty foods take longer for your body to digest and they leave you feeling fuller longer. While not being hungry is certainly fine when trying to lose fat, eating meals that encourage you to wait longer periods between eating can slow your metabolism.
This goes back to the point about eating frequently. If you eat fatty foods for breakfast, you may not want to anything again until lunch, which could be 5 or more hours away. Ideally, you should eat approximately every 3 hours.

If you're looking to give your metabolism a boost, give these tips a try. A faster metabolic rate can help you tremendously with fat loss.

How Fat Loss Pills Can Make You Fatter

There are many good supplements on the market today that are extremely effective for fat loss. Fat loss is big business and this has fueled tremendous developments in technology. There are more high-quality fat burning products out there now than ever before.
Properly used, these supplements can make a big difference in your fat loss efforts, helping you reach your goals far quicker.

Improperly used, however, fat burning supplements can actually make you fatter, no matter how effective they are! In fact, the more effective a supplement is, the worse off you could be!!
To be clear, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using supplements to help lose fat. I'm all for it. The main problem with fat loss supplements lies with how people use them (and how they are told and encouraged to use them).
Armed with the knowledge in this article, you will learn exactly what you can do to break the diet pill cycle and keep the fat off for good.

The Big Secret

The diet pill and fat loss drug industry is built on ignorance: not theirs, yours.
Many of these companies bank on that fact that people generally don't know a whole lot about fat loss or supplements. They are in the business of selling shortcuts to you so that you don't have to know anything about fat loss. The reason for this is simple: if people knew a lot about fat loss, they wouldn't need fat loss products anymore and the companies would go out of business.

As backwards as it seems, the diet industry can only stay profitable by keeping people fat.
Look at the typical business. They do their best to keep customers coming back to them. That's how they make money. Why would the diet industry be any different? If you lose fat and maintain that fat loss you won't need to lose fat anymore. You won't be their customer anymore!
As little business sense as it makes, the ideal situation would be to have companies that are dedicated to the goal of losing customers. If they do their job, you will lose fat and keep it off and never need them again! As a personal trainer, my goal has always been to train people so thoroughly that they don't need me anymore.
Is this sort of reform going to happen in the diet industry? Not likely. But there is something you can do to stop the cycle (you are doing it right now):


How Fat Loss Pills Can Make You Fatter

The bottom line is...fat loss pills work. This is both the best thing about them and the worst thing about them.
When you take a good fat burning supplement, you lose a lot of fat, you feel better about yourself and you are happy, right? This is the best thing about fat loss supplements.
The worst thing about these supplements is that because they work so well, you don't have to change your eating or exercise habits to accomplish your goals. You get results simply by taking a little pill.

Does this phrase sound familiar: "Eat whatever you want and still lose weight!"

Here's the scenario: you take the pills and you lose all the weight you want. What happens when you stop taking the supplement once you've reached your goals? Since you haven't had to change your eating or exercise habits, you regain the weight. Then you buy their pills again and start the same cycle again! It is very similar to the yo-yo diet syndrome of weight loss and regain.

How do you break this cycle? The solution is very simple though it may not be glamorous or easy: you learn to eat properly and you exercise regularly.
When you remove your dependence on fat loss pills to lose fat (through education, nutrition and exercise), you free yourself to use them to enhance your efforts, not anchor them. You will be able to lose your extra fat and keep it off without having to depend on fat loss pills to make it happen.

No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting - Supercharge Your Metabolism For Fat Loss!

To really fire up your fat-burning furnace, you need a workout that addresses not only calories burned DURING the workout itself, but also calories burned AFTER the workout. But it doesn't end REALLY maximize your results, you need to also address your body's HORMONAL response to training.
When you put all these factors together, you can SERIOUSLY increase the fat-burning drive you generate with each and every workout.
Let's look at the factors one at a time:

1. Calories burned DURING the workout

Every time you exercise, you burn calories. Makes sense! The amount of calories you burn depends on the specific exercise you're doing, how intense it is and how long you do it for. I won't spend much time on this one as pretty much everybody knows instinctively that the harder and longer you work, the more calories you burn.

2. Calories burned AFTER the workout

Here's where it gets interesting...the more intense the exercise you perform, the more your overall metabolism is boosted and the more calories your body will burn AFTER the workout as it strives to recover from the training.
The practical result is this...if you do long, slow cardio training for your fat loss, you will burn calories during the workout, but your metabolism will go back to its normal rate very soon after. If you increase the pace (e.g. through interval training), you create a MUCH greater demand on your body and your metabolism is jacked up long after your workout is done - this can be for up to 24 hours after!
When it comes to fat loss, intensity is the key, not your resistance to boredom during repetitive movement.

3. Your HORMONAL response to training

Here's the one most people don't know about. When you exercise, whether it be for fat loss or any other purpose, your body secretes hormones in response to the training. The big one that we want to key in on for fat loss is Growth Hormone.
Without delving too much into the science of Growth Hormone (GH for short), it's enough to know that one of the primary functions of GH is to send a signal to your body to burn fat for fuel (it's also involved in many other functions, including muscle building, immune system function and connective tissue repair).
So how do we maximize the release of natural GH in the body from training? Lactic Acid.
Lactic Acid is one of the key "ingredients" that we want the body to produce in order to maximize the release of GH. When the body detects large amounts of Lactic Acid in the blood stream (it determines this by tracking the acidity of your blood), GH is secreted in response.
In a nutshell, the greater the burn, the greater the GH release.


So how do we maximize ALL THREE aspects of fat loss that I mentioned above? We will do it through a training technique I call "No-Rest Lactic Acid Supersetting."
We are going to combine several techniques that are extremely effective for maximizing the production of Lactic Acid in the body. I'll tell you up front, this training WON'T be easy (if you find it easy, you're not working hard enough!) but it's VERY effective.

The first part of the equation is high-rep training. There is NO doubt that high reps will produce Lactic Acid. The bonus with high-rep training is that it also helps improve the capillirization of the muscles. In English, this means it helps improve the blood supply to the muscles by increasing the amount of tiny blood vessels (capillaries) in the muscles. One of the reaons muscles don't grow? Poor blood supply. So high-reps can not only produce Lactic Acid, they can even improve the growth potential of a muscle!
The next part of the equation is Supersetting. Supersets involve moving from one exercise directly into another exercise, with no rest inbetween the two exercises. This is a great way to increase the burn from Lactic Acid. The specific type of Supersets we'll be using with this training technique are "Antagonistic Supersets." This means we'll be working two opposing bodyparts at a time, e.g. back and chest or biceps and triceps.
The final part of the equation is that we're not only NOT going to take any rest between the two Superset exercises, we're actually not going to take ANY REST AT ALL (except when we move to a different Superset combination).
The body clears out Lactic Acid when it gets a chance to rest. By removing complete rest from the equation, we're going to dramatically ramp up the production of Lactic Acid in your body and, as a result, ideally dramatically ramp up the production of Growth Hormone in response.
All this, in turn, will lead to increased fat loss by increasing Growth Hormone and burning LOTS of calories during the workout AND after the workout, because of the high intensity level.
A quick note about Growth Hormone: there are plenty of websites and magazines that will try to sell you HGH pills to increase your GH levels. While some nutritional supplements can be moderately effective at boosting GH levels (glutamine is one), the vast majority of these HGH ads are scams and should be avoided. Your body, with proper training, can produce ample amounts on its own.

How To Do It:

I will use chest and back as the example bodyparts for this training program. We will be switching between dumbell presses on the ball and standing dumbell rows (using two dumbells in bent-over row position). I find this to be a good combination because you can use the same dumbells for both exercises and perform them in the very same spot.
The key with this training technique is speed, not only during the sets but switching between exercises. At the end of the article, I'll include a link to a demonstration video of this technique in action.
First, select a pair of dumbells that you know you can get at least 20 reps with on the dumbell press. For this technique, 20 reps is going to be the MINIMUM number of reps we want to hit on the first set of dumbell presses.
Get into position on the ball and begin pressing the dumbells. Keep a fairly quick tempo on the presses using a powerful movement, not worrying about squeezing the muscles or getting any slow negatives (the lowering phase of the movement). It should be a fast, powerful movement to get as many reps as you can.
Big note here...DO NOT sacrifice form for speed. If you're flailing the dumbells around, you're going to hurt yourself. While the movement is fast, it should be UNDER CONTROL at all times.
Do as many reps as you can until the Lactic Acid burn forces you to stop. The last reps will see you moving a LOT slower than you started but keep going until the burn stops you.
Now set the dumbells down and IMMEDIATELY get into position for the two dumbell rows. The two dumbell row is performed exactly like a bent-over barbell but using two dumbells instead (the link will also include demo pictures on how to perform both of these exercises).
Begin rowing with the same quick tempo. Be VERY careful that you're not bobbing up and down excessively as you do this exercise. It's fine to have a little movement - it's natural as the weight comes up and down. But you should do your best to keep your lower back arched, your abs tight and your torso as still as possible.
Again, perform as many reps as you can until the burn stops you and you have to set the weights down.
Now IMMEDIATELY put all thoughts of rest aside! Grab those dumbells, get back on the ball and starting cranking out more dumbell presses!
Your reps will most likely drop fairly significantly on this second round through due to muscle fatigue and Lactic Acid accumulation. Get as many reps as you can, though. Personally, I may start my first set with 30 to 40 reps and get 8 to 10 on the second set.
Finish the pressing reps then go right back to the dumbell rows for as many reps as you can. Keep going back and forth between exercises until you've done the prescribed number of sets for each bodypart (see below for recommendations).

Be sure to push yourself on those sets! Make sure you stop because of the Lactic Acid burn and not because you've counted enough reps and you've lost track.

As for number of sets, here are my recommendations...
If you're going to do your entire body in one workout use the following set guidelines:

Back and chest - 6 sets each
Quadriceps and Hamstrings - 6 sets each
Shoulders and Calves - 3 sets each
Biceps and Triceps - 3 sets each

The reason shoulders and calves are paired together is that neither muscle group really has an antagonist to it.
If you're going to split up your workouts, I would suggest picking two of the combinations (whichever combos you like to do together) and use the following set guidelines:

Back and chest - 8 sets each
Quadriceps and Hamstrings - 10 sets each
Shoulders and Calves - 5 sets each
Biceps and Triceps - 5 sets each

This means if you want to do back, chest, biceps, triceps, do 8 sets each of back and chest then 5 sets each of biceps and triceps.

Take 1 minute rest in between bodypart combinations or judge it by the time it takes for you to set up the next two exercises.

Perform this training program three times a week, e.g. Monday, Wednesday, Friday if you're doing total body workouts. If you're splitting your body up, do Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.

Follow this training technique for 3 weeks and then check the mirror!

A small note about Growth Hormone:
DO NOT eat anything before training when you're doing this program. It's best to perform this training on an empty stomach. The reason for this is that GH secretion is reduced by both elevated blood sugar levels and/or elevated insulin levels in the body. When you eat something (specifically carbohydrates), your blood sugar will rise and insulin will be secreted as a result. Insulin is a storage hormone and works directly against GH.
AFTER training, it's a whole different ballgame. You CAN take in carbs and it won't affect the post-workout fat-burning process. Because of the tremendous demands on the recovery systems from a hard workout, your body will continue to use stored fat to fuel the recovery process even when you take in carbs.
So be sure to take in some good post-workout nutrition in the form of liquid protein and carbs. It'll help speed recovery and keep your body from eating up its own muscle tissue.

If you're looking for a shock to your body to kick-start your fat loss, give this program a try. It'll place tremendous demands on your body and put your fat loss into high gear!

Cardio Training For Fat Loss - Should I Do It BEFORE or AFTER My Weight Training For Best Results?

When it comes to fat loss, one of THE most frequently questions asked is "to maximize fat loss, should I do my cardio before or after my weight training?"

Physiologically speaking, if maximum fat loss is your goal and you want to incorporate cardio into your training schedule, you're better off doing your cardio training immediately AFTER your weight training.
Here's why:

1. When you do weight training first, you have more energy and strength for that weight training.

I know cardio junkies won't want to hear this, but intense, QUALITY weight training is actually MORE effective for fat loss than cardio training. Why the emphasis on quality? Well, if you go to the gym and just flail around with light weights for 30 minutes, it's not really going to be very effective for fat loss.
However, if you really put some effort into it and train hard, the metabolic boost you get from weight training (in terms of not only calories burned while doing it but the increase in metabolism after AND the increase in muscle mass you get from weight training) is greater than the boost you get from cardio training. And, when compared to slow, long-duration cardio training, that boost is MUCH greater.
So by performing your weight training FIRST, while you're fresh, you're going to have more energy to put into it and you're going to be stronger. This will increase metabolic and muscle mass stimulation and therefore overall fat loss. It's a win-win situation!
That's not to say you can't do a couple of minutes of cardio as a general warm-up before starting into the weights...just don't do an entire cardio session before weight training. Always keep in mind that the weight training is the REAL engine behind your fat loss efforts.
And if THAT isn't enough to convince you to do cardio after weights, I've got another reason for you…

2. Performing weight training first decreases available blood sugar and puts the body in "fat burning" mode.

When you train with weights, you're performing short, intense muscle contractions. Glucose (blood sugar) is the preferred fuel for driving these intense contractions. As you go through your workout, your body gradually uses up its readily-available supply of sugars and starts mobilizing fat for energy.
Here's the key…mobilizing bodyfat for energy is a process that takes time. If you do your cardio first, your body will be initially working on that blood sugar before getting started on the bodyfat. By the time you're done with cardio and move to weights, THAT is when you're in the optimal fat-burning mode.
But the problem is, fat is NOT an efficient fuel for weight training. By doing cardio first, you use up all the "good" stuff for weight training and force your body to make do with a less powerful fuel source. Your weight training workouts will decrease in quality and your cardio efforts won't be as effective for achieving fat-burning, which is your primary goal!
So basically, you're shooting yourself in the foot TWICE!
Think of your body as a hybrid gas-electric car. This car uses gas to provide more power for acceleration and electricity to provide long-term power for maintaining speed.
Now think of blood sugar as gas and weight training as powerful acceleration. When you press the pedal (performing weight training), you're going to get much better acceleration when you're using the proper fuel (i.e. gas).
If you try and power the acceleration with electricity, you'll go forward but not nearly as quickly as if you were using gas.
The bottom line is this…perform your weight training first so you use up the "fast" energy first. Then, by the time you hit the cardio, you're ALREADY in fat-burning mode and every single second you're doing that cardio is going to be burning more fat than if you did it first.
These two reasons apply no matter if you're doing slower, long-duration cardio or high-intensity interval training (which I recommend). The key thing to keep in mind is that WEIGHT TRAINING is what's going to help you change your body FAST…cardio is a useful tool for improving your results but it's NOT what drives your fat-loss results.
And that being said, if you absolutely feel you MUST do your cardio first, I'm NOT going to tell you it's the worst thing in the world…the fact that you're doing SOMETHING trumps doing nothing ANY day of the week!
But if you're looking for maximum impact for the time and effort you're putting your training, DEFINITELY hit the weights first and cardio after.

10-Minute Abs: Your 10 Minute Home Based Summertime Ab Routines

Your 10 Minute Home Based Summertime Ab Routines
Who says you need to spend countless of hours doing thousands of sit-ups in order to get rock hard abs?  Remember that abs are built in the kitchen…in other words, you need to follow a proper fatloss diet plan, coupled with weight training exercise and some cardiovascular exercise in order to lose the body fat.  Then, by performing some abdominal training, you will build up those abs.  Once you burn the body fat that covers them you will be able to display that extremely coveted wall of abs.

How Long Do You Need to Train The Abs For?

Not very long believe it or not.  10 minutes 3 times a week will suffice.  Like I said, abdominal definition is more a function of diet and body fat levels than anything else.  Abdominal training does not burn body fat; it only gets the muscle underneath hard.

How Long Will It Take for Me to See My Abs?
This depends entirely on the amount of body fat that you are still carrying.  If you are woman who has 20 lbs to lose in order to get to 12% body fat (which is when women can begin to clearly see their abs) then you are looking at 10 weeks assuming a steady fat loss of 2-lbs a week, which is very realistic.  Guys begin to see their abs at 10% body fat so the same rule applies.  If you have 20-lbs to lose in order to get down to 10%, then 10 weeks is how long it will take to see abs.

What Equipment Will I Need?

I recommend an exercise ball since it allows you to work the abs through a full range of motion.  They are relatively inexpensive these days and you can get them for around $15-$25.  However, if you don’t have a ball, don’t worry as you can still perform this abdominal routine at home.
I also recommend you do an old school exercise called broomstick twists.  Traditionally it is performed with either a bar or a broomstick.  However, you do not need to use one as simply elevating your arms to the sides and performing the torso twists will suffice.
With that said, let’s cover my 10-Minute Summertime Ab Routines.

10-Minute Home Based Summertime Ab Routines

Twisting Crunches (preferably on top of exercise ball) 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Crunches (preferably on exercise ball) 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Lying Leg Raises 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 30-60 seconds)

Bicycle Crunches 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Crunches 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Knee-Ins 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 30-60 seconds)

Modified V-Ups 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Broomstick Twists 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 0 seconds)
Crunches (Preferably on exercise ball) 3 sets of 15-25 (Rest: 30-60 seconds)

Abdominal Training Tips
  • Be sure to focus on the contraction of the muscle.  Slow deliberate movements will give you the results you are looking for.
  • Don’t forget to breathe as you perform the movements.  Exhale while doing the contraction and inhale when going back to the original position.
  • You can do this routine either first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up or at the beginning or end of your weight training sessions.  I personally do it first thing in the morning.
Well..there you have it.  Get cranking with these 10 Minute Ab Routines and provided you follow the right fatloss diet plan and cardiovascular exercise, you will be well on your way to being the proud owner of a set of abs

What Are “Normal” Testosterone Levels and How To Increase Them If They Are Low?

What is Testosterone and Why Do We Need Healthy Testosterone Levels?
As most of you fellow bodybuilders know, testosterone is the male hormone responsible for the development of the male sex and reproduction organs; in addition to also promoting male characteristics such as a deep voice, facial hair, increased levels of muscle mass, aggressiveness, confidence, and supports a healthy sex drive. Men’s testicles produce this hormone in large quantities while female’s ovaries produce some of it in very small quantities.
Low levels of this hormone create metabolic issues that have immediate and long-term consequences for the person suffering from a deficiency.

Maladies Of Low Testosterone Levels
Needless to say low levels of testosterone can cause a male to first and foremost lose his sex drive. Also energy levels will plummet as well as muscle mass and strength.
Even if you are giving it all you got in the gym and following your diet, you may find that getting a good pump at the gym is hard, and also that gaining muscle is becoming a very hard task to accomplish. Worst of all, fat loss seems harder than ever as well.
If you suffer from low testosterone your mood may also take a dive and you may often feel depressed. In addition to the above, the following are also maladies of low testosterone levels:

*Increased insulin resistance (which makes it hard to lose body fat as insulin levels will increase in the body due to the fact that the cells are not accepting this hormone efficiently).

* Constant fatigue and reduced zest for life.

* Depression, bad moods and aggressive behavior (something that oddly enough has been mistakenly blamed on high testosterone levels for years).

* Reduced mental capacity and even Alzheimer’s disease.

Age For Testosterone Level Decline:
At what age does this decline start happening? The time at which this decline in levels begins is still much debated amongst experts but recent research seems to indicate that it can begin as early as 25-30 years old. My advice to you is that if your sex drive is low, then you should have your levels checked because this is the most common symptom of low testosterone.  A simple blood work will show you what your testosterone levels look like.  Typically, this is not a test that the Doctor orders when you get your physical so you need to request it from your Doctor when you get your next physical.

What are the Normal Values for Testosterone Levels?

Normal values of testosterone levels for males: normal range of total testosterone for men is between 300 – 1200 nanograms per deciliters (ng/dl).  Normal ranges for free testosterone (the actual active testosterone that your body can use) are: 8.7 – 25 picograms per milliliters (pg/ml).
Normal values of testosterone levels for women: normal range of total testosterone for women is between 15 – 70 nanograms per deciliters (ng/dl).  Normal ranges for free testosterone (the actual active testosterone that your body can use) are: 0.5 – 5 picograms per milliliters (pg/ml).
Needless to say the closer to the upper level you are in both ranges the better.

What to Do If Your Test Shows Low Testosterone Levels?
If you come up with low testosterone levels in your test results, I would first try to use some natural alternatives in order to see if these can help you to restore your levels.  The efficacy of some of these supplements is still under debate by some of the experts in the field, but in my opinion, before considering hormonal replacement therapy, I would explore all over the counter alternatives. 
Also, I would like to mention that by increasing your hormonal levels you may experience some acne and slightly increased aggression. Finally, if you have a propensity for male pattern baldness and/or an increased prostate you should monitor these things if you still decide to use some of these products.
Some natural testosterone boosters that I really like are (not in any particular order):

Natural Testosterone Booster #1: ZMARelatively inexpensive, ZMA provides nutritional insurance against a deficiency of Zinc, Magnesium and vitamin B-6.   A deficiency of zinc alone can dramatically lower your testosterone levels, so I feel it is a good idea to first and foremost make sure that the low levels do not come from a nutritional deficiency.
ZMA consists of Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and vitamin B-6. This all-natural product has been clinically proven to significantly increase anabolic hormone levels and muscle strength in trained athletes. Hard training athletes typically deplete the body from these essential minerals.
Studies have shown that supplementing with 30mg of Zinc and 450mg of Magnesium per day can elevate testosterone levels up to 30%.
Due to the fact that ZMA consists of two minerals and a vitamin B, teenagers can safely use this product
How to Use: Take a serving of ZMA prior to going to sleep.  There is no need to cycle off this product.

Natural Testosterone Booster #2: Labrada Nutrition’s HumanoGrowth – This testosterone booster is composed of 2 ingredients that help to increase testosterone, growth hormone levels, lower cortisol, improve mood and maximize recovery as well as protein synthesis (ability of the body to turn the protein you eat into muscle):
a) Humanofort – a patented standardized embryo extract from Europe that has been shown to boost testosterone and growth hormone levels while reducing cortisol.  It is rich in various growth factors that are good for hormonal production and general health as well.  It even helps to improve the quality of your sleep!
b) Lean Muscle Accelerator (LMA) – a purified plasma protein that improves protein efficiency by up to 31% and promotes a positive nitrogen balance by up to 20%.  In simple terms, this all means that you convert more of the protein that you eat into muscle.  In addition, this plasma protein also helps your body to burn more fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue during periods of dieting.
How to Use: Take 4 capsules of HumanoGrowth prior to sleep.  There is no need to cycle off this product.

Natural Testosterone Booster #3: QNT USA Testek - This is another pro-hormone free testosterone booster that naturally increases growth hormone and testosterone levels through different pathways than the ZMA and HumanoGrowth.  In addition, Testek has ingredients that help to increase focus, memory, regulate your mood and increase your recovery capacity at the gym.
a) Flavone Comple – The testosterone increase in this product is accomplished via a flavone complex that causes a reduction in estrogen.  By reducing estrogen levels the body begins manufactures more testosterone.
b) Alpha GPC – An acetylcholine precursor that increases growth factors by inhibiting somatostatin, which is the growth hormone inhibiting hormone. As you inhibit somatostatin you increase GH levels dramatically by 333%.  [As a matter of fact, in a study performed at the Center for Applied Health Sciences, subjects consuming Alpha GPC prior to resistance exercise increased their peak anabolic growth factors by 333%.
c) Phosphatidylserine (PS) – Naturally occurring phospholipid that research has shown can speed up recovery, prevent muscle soreness and more importantly, reduce the cortisol response to intense exercise. This improves the Testosterone/Cortisol ratio by as much as 184%, which ultimately results in a more anabolic environment.
d) DHT Reduction Complex – Finally, testek protects the user against the increased DHT production caused by increased testosterone levels via the use of flavones and lycopene.  In addition, Testek’s combination of ingredients promotes good mood and increased concentration and focus at the gym.
How to Use: Take 1 serving (4 capsules) 1-2 times daily with water. Use one serving in the morning and/or early evening. Use for approximately 6-8 weeks then cycle off for 2 weeks.

Natural Testosterone Booster #4: Nutrex Research Vitrix - This final testosterone booster increases testosterone via the use of herbs that increase the lutenizing hormone and that lower estrogen levels.  Again, I include this booster on the list since it accomplishes the testosterone increase using different ingredients than the formulas already mentioned.
a) Tribulus Terrestris – A Bulgarian herb that tends to increase both free and total testosterone levels enhancing, as a result, your sex drive and muscle building capabilities. It is believed that it exerts its effects through an increase in Luteninizing hormone (LH) levels, a hormone which in turn signals the body to increase its testosterone production.
In addition, this herb has been used for centuries for ailments such as headaches, premature ejaculation, water retention, and dizziness. Also, some research indicates that it has properties that enable it to protect the liver and the cardiovascular system as well.
b) Avena Sativa – Better known as wild oat, is an annual grass, which is cultivated for its edible grain. It has the effect of increasing free testosterone levels (the testosterone that can be used by the body). While the mechanism under which it exerts this benefit is not clear, it is suspected that it occurs through an increase in Lutenizing Hormone levels, just like Tribulus.
c) Eurycoma Longifolia Jack – This is a plant reputed to have aphrodisiac properties. It is commonly known as Tongkat Ali in Malaysia. Studies have show that Eurycoma Longifolia Jack can increase your testosterone levels by stimulating the production of luetinizing hormone and also by freeing bound testosterone. It can also help you recover from a workout, improve your mental acuity, strengthen your immune system and even reduce your body fat.
d) Vitex Agnus Castus – This herb inhibits prolactin release which helps to keep testosterone levels up.
e)  Epimedium – commonly referred to as Horny Goat Weed, contains special components with anti-estrogenic properties.  Again, by reducing estrogen levels in the body, you get to increase testosterone levels.
How to Use: On training days you can take 6 capsules 1 hour before the workout.  On non-training days I just take 6 in the morning.  I take this supplement from Monday through Friday leaving 2 days off.

At What Age Should I Start Using Testosterone Boosters?
Since testsoterone levels begin to decline at 25, that is the age I would recommend you start checking your testosterone levels and start considering some testosterone boosting supplementation.  Teenagers, in my opinion, should stay away from any supplement that has an effect on hormonal levels as there is no need to upset a teens delicate hormonal balance.  However, there is no harm in teens using ZMA as these are just minerals that prevent a deficiency.  Besides, teenagers produce approximately the equivalent of a 300 mg shot of testosterone per week anyway so there is no need to attempt to increase the production of testosterone in a system that is already producing at peak levels.

Do I Need to Take All 4 Testosterone Boosters To Get Results?
Not at all.  While I would recommend you to consider stacking all 4 products if your testosterone levels are really low, if money is an issue you can get some ZMA in order to ensure that your low testosterone is not caused by a deficiency of those minerals.  Then you can use one of the other 3 products in 8 week intervals.  So for 8 weeks you can stack ZMA with HumanoGrowth.  The next 8 weeks you can stack ZMA with Testek and the last 8 weeks ZMA with Vitrix before re-starting again.

Testosterone Levels Testing
I suggest that you re-check your testosterone levels after 12 weeks of using your testosterone boosters, getting proper rest and following a proper bodybuilding training/nutrition program that maximizes your hormonal output and keeps your cortisol levels in check.  If your levels remain unchanged then I suggest that you talk to a well qualified endocrinologist so that you can look at what the cause for the low levels is and analyze what your options are.

The World’s Hardest High Protein Low Carb Diet In The World

Warning: This is officially the hardest diet created and you will ever get access too.
 Read on to see if you’re up for the challenge to take on The World’s Hardest Diet.

Fact: a hard diet will create a hard man.

Who has the hardest bodies in the world?
Competitive bodybuilders. No other athlete comes close.

There is no other breed of athlete that has mastered the art of deprivation or denying ones taste buds, using high protein low carb diets.
Stripping off the last few ounces of fat dares you to take your body further than it has ever gone before. To get extreme fat-burning results like you’ve never seen before, be prepared to punish yourself and rely on sadomasochism as a guiding principle.
In the gym, high-level bodybuilder would tell you that must be prepared to punish yourself with your weight-training routine.  In the kitchen, same rules apply.

The World’s Hardest Diet, which consists of ultra low carbs and ultra high protein (and virtually no fat) demands that whiners, complainers and quitters need not apply.  This is not for you so don’t waste your time.
Do you think pro bodybuilder Jay Cutler has a side order of bread with his chicken breast? Not a chance. Do you think Arnold enjoyed fruit crepes as a side order to his breakfast?  No way.
Heck, most pro-bodybuilders indulge in fish and chicken (unsalted) for weeks at a time leading up to their big shows.  I doubt you have the commitment or will power to make it through one-week, but I’ll give you a chance to prove me wrong :)

The World’s Hardest Diet Rules

1. Cut out all the carbs – yes, even the clean sources like oatmeal, brown rice and yams.  This diet consists of barely 10% carbs and the sources come from vegetal sources, which means they are primarily fibrous carbs that will not raise your insulin levels or be burned for energy.
This ultra high protein diet and ultra low carb diet consists of no oatmeal, rice, cereals, potatoes, bread, fruit or fruit juice – not even after or before workouts when carbs are normally encouraged.  All condiments are eliminated from this diet too because many contain hidden sugars.  This includes ketchup, which is one of the worst culprits, made up of 75% sugar. Even eliminate those “20 calorie energy drinks.”  I did tell you this was tough right?

2. Ultra high protein intake. They key on an ultra-low carb diet is to get enough calories from protein and fats.  This is the foundation of the Atkin’s diet.  The Atkin’s diet is a cake walk compared to what I have in store for you, if you dare accept the challenge.
Protein intake can come from egg whites, chicken breasts and canned albacore tuna – this will constitute almost 80% of your caloric intake.  Not even protein sources like whole eggs, beef, deli meat or fatty fish like salmon is allowed in The World’s Hardest Diet. As you can see, its impossible to follow this diet successfully by eating out.  Say goodbye to restaurants and eating out completely for the next 2-weeks.
The only protein you can substitute chicken breast for is white fish like tilapia, every other option is out!

3. Forget the fat. Most high protein low carb diets provide a degree of sanity by allowing good fats like almond butter, olive oil, avocado and peanut butter.  Not this diet.  You’re left with virtually no fat except the fat that comes with the protein sources so you’re barely getting 10% of your caloric intake from fat.
Again, The World’s Hardest Diet does not even allow the clean fats you’ve relied on as life-savers which allow low carb diets manageable.  It’s virtually impossible to find fat-free meat, which is why beef is completely axed as a protein source.
For cooking, rely on nonstick cooking spray.  Vinegar is the only condiment allowed in this diet.

4. Include muscle saving supplements. You’ll notice that Whey protein is included and I recommend that you rely on Iso-Smooth by Blue Star Neutraceuticals which includes a blend of four different isolates: whey, casein, milk and egg, which releases different rates of protein into your blood stream.
Iso-Smooth contains no sugar and no fat, and whey creates a hunger-blunting response on your hormones, which makes the diet realistic to complete.
Include a multi-vitamin as well since this diet is very limited in fruits and vegetables.  Currently I’m using Blue Star’s Vitality multi-vitamin, which contains 100% of the RDI for all vitamins and minerals.  They have a male and female version of their multi.

5. Boost up these beverages. As you can imagine, your beverage options are just as limited as your food options.  No juices, no Gatorade, no Star Bucks Lates, no sodas and not even any milk (which contains sugar).  Stick to the cleanest, fat-burning and energy-boosting drinks: water, black coffee and green tea. 

 That’s it.

Even cut out your diet sodas.  Research shows that the artificial sweeteners in diet sodas can trick the body. Your body associates sweet tastes with calorie dense foods and will become confused when their are no calories accompanied.  This can lead to an increased appetite which will make it harder to stick to the diet and in turn you might sabotage your fat-burning results.

Additional Muscle Saving Supplements
As you’ve noticed, you’re basically eating protein only so I suggest you include some of the following supplements to combat craving, make up for nutrient deficiencies, and provide energy to still train.
  • Caffeine. Aim for 200-400 mg 30-60 minutes before your morning cardio workout and evening weight training workouts.  Your body is running on very low energy so you need every boost you can get.  Plus the caffeine will provide some muscle-strengthening benefits to maintain your intensity in the gym.
  • BCAAs. Branch-chain amino acids will provide some additional energy and be your muscle saving weapon to get ultra shredded while keeping your muscle mass in tact. Males should be taking at least 10 grams in the morning with their caffeine and 10 grams before bedtime.  Additional BCAAs in between meals is allowed and suggested for extra insurance.
  • Omega-blend. A good product is Udo’s Oil which contains a blend of omega-3s but also omega-6s which your body will become deficient in on this diet.  If you don’t use Udo’s Oil, look for a omega-3/omega-6/omega-9 blend that will cover all your bases.  Include with breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Fat burning supplement. What has this world come too? Vince Del Monte just endorsed a “fat burner?”  Yes, and for very good reason.  This diet is going to slow down your metabolism after a few days so to maximize your fat-burning results, look for a fat-burner that contains caffeine, carnitine and yohimbine.  Carnitine helps push fat into your bloodstream for energy, which will allow you to train and have energy.  Taking 1-3 grams in the morning, before your workouts or before bed is fine.  Yohimbine has been shown to boost fat-burning. Use only 1-20 mg in the morning before you train.
Why This Diet Works: Eliminating The Sugars
Your body is a sugar-crazed machine.  It loves sugars, which turns into a belly-battling nightmare.
Your body has zero interest in losing your fat stores.  It could really care less – that’s your goal.
Your body would prefer to burn every ounce of glucose (technical name for sugar), before it even touches your fat stores and protein stores for energy.
Your body prefers simple. It wants to burn the fruit you ate for breakfast; the healthy whole-grains you ate for lunch; the healthy sweet potatoes you ate for dinner before it starts using your stubborn fat for fuel. Tough life, which is why you need a tough plan to fight back.
Most people spend their workout days simply burning off their breakfast, lunch and dinner and never make any forward progress so they are basically workout out to enjoy the foods they enjoy.  In exchange, no body composition changes are ever accomplished. That sucks.

Think of this way: carbs protect your body from burning fat
Is that your goal?  To protect your body from burning fat?  Not if you want to get ultra-shredded this summer and show off an shredded six-pack!
They key is to limit the amount of carbs your body has and it’ll begin to break down fat for survival after using up the stored glycogen stores in your muscles and liver.  This leads to a state of ketosis, and not only results in a state of accelerated fat-loss (primarily around the abdomen) but protects muscle mass.

How to make this diet work for you:
Toughen up. There are no cheat days to rescue you for the next two-weeks.  When you are hungry, suck it up because there is no option except to look forward to your next scheduled meal.
This plan should not be done for longer than two-weeks and is perfect to slap onto the end of a fat-cutting cycle when you’re ready to strip off the last few ounces of fat surrounding your bones.
By the way, there is no “part two” to this diet.  This is as tough as it gets.  If this does not work for you, nothing will.  There is no graduating to the next level; this is the final level.
Ultimately, there are two options to this diet: finish or fail.

The World’s Hardest Diet Sample Meal Plan
Egg White Omelet:
12 egg whites
1 cup of spinach
1/4, medium onion, diced
1 bell pepper

Mid Morning Snack
1 can of albacore tuna with vinegar
1 large chicken breast
2 cups of broccoli
1 tbsp of red wine vinegar

Pre Workout Meal:
2 scoops of Iso-Smooth Protein Powder

Post Workout Meal:
2 scoops of Iso-Smooth Protein Powder

2 large chicken breast or tilapia
2 cups of cauliflower or 12 asparagus spears
Pre Bed Time Snack:
1 can of albacore tuna
1 tbs of vinegar

Total: Approximately 350-400 grams of protein, 25-50 grams of carbs, 10-20 grams of fat equalling about 1500 calories.  Yes, very insane, very crazy, very tough, hence the name of the program

Are you up for the challenge?
Let me know below if you’re going to give The World’s Hardest Diet a shot.  Remember, two-weeks is the max you should follow this before returning to your regular meal plan.  Finishing three-days on this plan is an accomplishment in itself so feel free to start with three days first.
I’m 100% aware that this diet lacks a load of nutrients and will slow your metabolism if stayed on for too long. However, if you’re looking to radically strip off the last bit of fat from your bones, give this diet a shot.
I dare you!

Top 13 Muscle Building Foods

The best muscle building foods are those which contain a well balanced variety of high quantity of carbohydrates, protein, and fats.
You have to remember that protein is the raw material in building muscle tissue. Carbohydrates in the meantime are stored as glycogen in your body which can be drawn out whenever energy is required.  And fats look after our body’s vital functions….
I compiled the TOP 13 Best Muscle Building Foods which I think are essential in building muscles:

Whole Wheat Products, Brown Rice, Oatmeal
These complex carbs are great for helping with carb intake. Brown rice in particular is slow digesting, which means it won’t spike your insulin levels. Whole Wheat products and Oatmeal are another excellent source of quality carbohydrates.

One of the best, cheapest foods for this purpose is potatoes. One medium-sized red potato has 25-30 grams of carbs.

Chicken/Turkey Breast
These are excellent source of protein and are very low in fat.  They are the true best friend of any muscle building fitness expert.  You can always eat chicken or turkey breast.  Just make sure the skin is off and the chicken is broiled, boiled or coked over flame.  You don’t want fried or battered.

Rich in magnesium & potassium & soluble fiber; prevents radical swings in blood sugar

Good source of protein. Salmon has omega fatty acids in it. Its a serious mass builder. You should eat this at least three times a week.

Spinach. One of the most alkaline foods. Spinach prevents muscle & bone loss, but also cancer and heart diseases because of its high nutrient profile. Try one of the spinach recipes I shared a while back.

Mixed Nuts. Contain mono- & polyunsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, zinc, potassium, magnesium, etc. Mixed nuts are caloric dense, anything works: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts, etc…

Berries. Strong antioxidants that prevent cancer, heart & eye diseases. Any kind works: cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, etc. Buy fresh or frozen berries and mix with oatmeal or in your shakes.

Red Meat
Good source of protein. Steak has vitamins and other nutrients in it that are crucial for muscle growth. The fats in steak has been shown to help increase your testosterone. If you’re serious about putting on muscle, add this to your meal plan. Just make sure you trim extra fat or have low fat content to begin with.

This is a must if you are trying to build muscles. Great protein source. Eggs are at the top of nearly every list because they are extremely easy to absorb–the body can easily break down the food into amino acids, the building blocks of muscle.

Whey Protein Shakes
Whey protein is quickly absorbed or digested by your body and this is what makes whey protein perfect to have within 2 hours after working out so your body can quickly get the protein it needs to help you recovery and build muscle faster after working out.

Your muscles are estimated to be somewhere between 70-to-80% water and 25% Protein so You should try to drink at least 2-3 liters of spring water everyday.
If you want to build muscles, it is not all about consuming all the food for growth. It’s about consuming the RIGHT food for growth. Every bodybuilder knows the importance of consuming protein for building muscle mass, but many don’t take into account the importance of carbs, fat and foods that influence the proper anabolic environment. Another thing to consider is consistency. You may have the best muscle building diet plan or training program but without consistency, it is all useless.

15 Effective Tips for Building up to 10 Pounds of Muscle in One Month or Less

If you are on a mission to build muscle and you want to do it fast, we will show you how.  As with any workout, the key to success is eating the right diet, drinking plenty of water, getting a good night’s sleep, and most importantly, making sure you are dong exercises that will help you achieve your goal.  Building muscle quickly is possible but you have to do the right things.  After all, not only do you want to build solid muscle, but then maintain it after all the effort you have put in.
In this article, I will provide you with 15 effective tips for building up to 10 pounds of muscle in less than a month!
  1. Protein – To build muscle, you need to make sure you are getting the right amount of protein daily.  Each person is slightly different based on body type but also the way in which the body responds to training.  Therefore, the easiest way to determine the appropriate amount of protein so you can build up to 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less, you need to make the calculation on your lean body weight.  For this, take your current weight and minus the percentage of body weight.  Then, multiply that number by 1.14.  This will tell you the right number of grams required to build solid muscle quickly.
  2. Workout – If you are just starting out, you want to establish a basic workout regimen, increasing the duration, frequency, and intensity over time.  At first, to build up to 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less, make sure you do the following at minimum, using three sets, each of 15 repetitions:
    1. Legs – Lunges, Squats, Leg Press, Leg Extensions, and Leg Curls
    2. Back – Pull Ups, Lateral Pull Downs, Rowing, Dead Lifts
    3. Arms – Barbell Curls, Dumbbell Curls, and Ez Bar Curls
    4. Shoulders – Dumbbell Raises, Military Press, and Side Laterals
    5. Abdomen – Incline Crunches and Hanging Leg Raises
    6. Chest – Dips, Bench Press, and Flies
    7. Cardio – Running, Swimming, and Aerobics
  3. Supplements – Another way you can gain up to 10 pounds of muscle in less than one month is to make sure you eat right.  However, in addition to eating protein, low carbohydrates, and fresh fruits and vegetables, you might also consider adding a high quality supplement.  The important thing to remember is that some supplements are a waste of money in that they are not formulated to absorb into the body.  Therefore, always by only quality supplements, those made to get into the bloodstream where they can work.
  4. Washboard Abs – If you were to ask both men and women which part of the body they are most interested in building muscle for, the abs would be at the top of the list.  Therefore, if you want to build rock hard abs in one month, get ready for dedication, persistence, and lots of hard work.  To get the abs you want, you will need to focus only on those muscles on a scheduled basis, usually two to three times a week.  Crunches are by far the most effective, which gives you the ripped look you want but also an increase in metabolism so your body is capable of burning stored fat.
  5. Types of Weights – We also wanted to address circuit training versus free weights for building up to 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less.  Typically, you want to use both but not on the same day.  When building muscle, it is vital to switch things up.  The reason is that if you work arms and abs one day, legs and chest another, and then shoulders and cardio on the next day, you give the body’s muscle time to recover.  Every time you work out, you are breaking muscle down so it can be built up stronger.  Therefore, using both free weights and circuit training allows the body to rest and recovery so you get amazing results.
  6. Calories – To maintain the perfect balance in calorie intake and output, you need to determine the right amount of calories for you since each person is different.  Although there are a number of ways to figure this out, the easies is to weigh yourself and then follow one of these calculations:
    1. Fat Loss – 11 to 13 calories for every pound of weight
    2. Weight Gain – 18 to 19 calories for every pound of weight
    3. Maintenance – 15 to 16 calories for every pound of weight
  7.  Diet – As we mentioned, you need to consume the right amount of protein, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables, as well as fats to gain up to 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less.  In addition, you will need to stop eating three large meals a day and start eating six smaller meals.  This will help maintain your metabolism so each of your workouts is successful.
  8. Water – Just as diet is important for building muscle, water intake is just as important.  It is recommended that you drink a minimum of eight glasses of water daily.  This will flush out harmful toxins, keep the body lubricated, and make sure you are properly hydrated for a hard workout.  This way, your workout is effective and the results much quicker.
  9. Cardio – Along with free weights and circuit training, you will also need 9% of your workout to be dedicated to cardio.  This is outstanding for burning fat, increasing energy, and boosting the metabolism.  Some of the most popular cardio options include swimming, tennis, walking, running, biking, and aerobics.
  10. Motivation – Building up to 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less is possible but as mentioned, it will require total dedication and hard work.  One of the most common reasons for failure is decreasing or a lack of motivation.  Therefore, find a friend who also wants to build muscle and base this venture on the buddy system.  If you do not know of anyone, then consider working with a professional trainer!
  11. Accomplishments – As you work your want to building up to 10 pounds of muscle on a month or less, you will need to see that you are getting closer each day to your goal.  Keep track of your workouts, which will help keep you stay on schedule as you switch things around and see just how far you have come.  If you find that you are behind on reaching your goal, then you will know and have the opportunity to make adjustments in your workout.
  12. Realistic – As mentioned, building 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less is something that a determined person can achieve but if you have a lot of excessive weight or do not have adequate time to work out, chances are you may need a little more time.  Do your best and if you find that you did not reach 10 pounds but perhaps eight, be proud and keep going!
  13. Gym – A good gym does not have to be expensive.  Yes, many of the high dollar gyms do have all the state of the art equipment that people want but today, you will find neighborhood gyms and YMCAs that offer tremendous value, as well as weights, circuit training, and much more.
  14. Classes – Sometimes, when pushing to reach a goal such as building 10 pounds of muscle in one month or less, you forget to have fun.  For this reason, we suggest you also enroll in one class, perhaps a spin class, aerobics class, Pilate’s class, or yoga class to break things up and make the process fun.
  15. Mind Set – Finally, if you want to build up to 10 pounds of muscle in less than one month, you have to have the mindset of success.  This means you need to go into this with absolute focus and determination to succeed.